Do you want to complain to your electric company about your bad electricity meter? OR, Are you looking for a sample of some of the best complaint letter for electricity meter to write your complaint letter? If your answer is Yes, then you have come to the right place.
If your electric meter has a high electricity bill or if the meter is old or if you have some problems with your electricity meter, then you can replace your electric meter with a new one, you can use our electricity complaint letter samples given below.
[Receiver’s Details],
[Electricity Department]
[Office Address].
Date: Date/Month/Year.
Subject: Electricity complaint letter.
Most respectfully, I would like to state that I am ______ [Your Name] and a resident of _______ [Your Address]. My meter number is _______ [Mention Your Meter No].
I have been having some problems with my electric meter for the last few months, so I request you to send someone to fix the meter as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can arrange to change my meter immediately.
I hope you will take the necessary action on it after receiving my complaint.
Yours faithfully,
[Contact Details].
The Authority/Division officer,
[Electric Company Name],
[Electric Company Address],
Subject: Electricity complaint letter.
With due respect, I am writing this letter to inform you that, I am a customer of your ____________ [Write your electricity board name], Also my consumer No/ID is ___________ [Mention your consumer number] since the last few years.
Over the last few months, I have had a problem with my electricity bill, about which I would like to tell you that from the very beginning my electricity bill ranged from ____ to ____. [Mention your average electricity bill amount].
But in the last few months, my electricity bill has reached a maximum of _______ [specify the amount], which is not possible for me to pay. As far as I’m guessing, it’s not my fault, there’s something wrong with my electric meter.
Therefore I request you to please kindly send anyone to check my electric meter. Please do this soon I shall be very thankful to you. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name],
[Contact Details].
The Division officer/Commercial Executive,
[Electricity Company Name],
[Electricity Company Address],
Subject: Complaint letter for electricity meter.
With due respect, it is stated that my name is ______ [Mention your name], I am a loyal customer of your company for the last few years. My meter no is _________ [Mention your meter no] and consumer no is __________ [Mention your consumer no].
Over the last few months, the electricity meter has been causing me many problems, such as the fact that I have been using electricity for the whole month, it is billing me several times more than that.
Therefore I request you to send someone to check my meter immediately. Or, if it is defective in any way, replace it with a new one, so that I do not have problems in the future.
If you have any questions, please contact me on this mobile number. (Mention your mobile number).
It would be highly appreciated if you respond you my complaint application as early as possible.
Thanking you in advance.
Yours Faithfully,
[Your Name],
[Your Address],
[Contact Details].
The Assistant Engineer
[Electricity Department]
[Electric Office Address].
Subject: Letter to electricity department for power cut.
I want to inform you that I am _______ [Your Name], resident of [Your Address]. There has been a lot of power cut in our area for the last few days, so the people in our area are facing various problems. Some common problems are such as aged not being able to rest properly, children not being able to study properly, also various chores in the kitchen being disrupted.
Therefore, I request you to please look at my complaint & take necessary action on it without any further delay. I am waiting for a positive response & I shall be grateful for the same.
Yours faithfully,
[Contact Number].
The Electricity Department,
[Electricity Company Name],
[Office Address]
Subject: Faulty electricity meter complaint letter.
My name is ________ [Mention your name] and my electricity meter/customer no is ___________ [Mention your meter/customer no]. I want to inform you that the electricity bill from the last three months has increased but my usage is still constant. I think there might be an issue with the meter.
So, I request you to please check the meter and if there is any issue replace it. I hope that you will listen to me and grant me my request. I also looking forward to seeing what steps you take in this matter.
Best Regards,
[Your Name],
[Your Address],
[Contact Info],
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At present in some states of India, you can easily apply for an electric meter change request through their online portal. If you are a resident of Bihar, you can easily apply by watching the video below –
You can modify the above complaint letter for electricity meter samples as per your requirement. Hope you got the perfect complaint letter for you. If you haven’t, you can let us know in the comments section below.