About the STC Selection Exams

The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) has developed a single selection exam for the entry-level Adult Corrections Officer, Juvenile Corrections Officer, and Probation Officer job classifications at local corrections agencies. The BSCC Selection Exam is made available to agencies that participate in the Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) Program. The exam takes approximately two and a half hours for candidates to complete and consists of multiple-choice questions related to the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for a candidate to possess prior to hire.

The BSCC Selection Exam was developed based on a comprehensive job analysis conducted in accordance with federal and state employment guidelines. The exam follows professional standards for this type of research.

The BSCC’s role in development of an entry-level selection exam offers a benefit to local agencies in that exam development requires:

The BSCC Selection Exam is available in both paper and pencil and computer-based formats. Agencies may use either format as they deem which is best compatible to their unique needs.

Paper and Pencil Exams




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