Face Mask Pattern (FREE) – How to Make DIY Mouth Mask

As the coronavirus or COVID-19 gains momentum and slowly finds its way into more and more countries each day, face masks are starting to become a kind of necessity. People are becoming more aware of the danger and everyone is trying their best to avoid infection. That is why it’s becoming incredibly difficult to find N95 respirators or surgical face masks for purchase.
While certainly N95 filter masks are designed to protect against airborne viruses, waiting for them to become available without having any kind of an alternative in the meantime is not something I’m comfortable doing.

Mind you, use this simple DIY face mask as a last resort, as a homemade face masks don’t offer the level of protection the N95 respirator masks do, and their capacity to protect from viruses according to CDC is unknown.

Due to popular demand we added a VIDEO tutorial below, added a printable pdf of the instructions, found the most suitable nose wire materials, and designed 12 more free face masks patterns.
NEW VIDEO tutorial: How to add an eye shield to your face mask

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