Chicago 17th Author-Date

Please check the assignment formatting requirements for your individual unit as they may differ from the advice provided in the Chicago manual. PhD and Masters by research students should consult the relevant publication manual for formatting information.

Page layout

Order of references

Title capitalisation

DOIs and URLs

Where can I find the DOI?
DOIs will usually be presented on the first page of an article or with the publication details. If you cannot locate a DOI, do a quick search in the document by clicking CTRL + F (Windows) or Command + F (Mac) and entering doi in the search box

Sample reference list

Arkoudis, Sophie, Mollie Dollinger, Chi Baik, and Allan Patience. 2019. “International Students’ Experience in Australian Higher Education: Can We Do Better?” Higher Education 77 (5): 799-813.

The Australian. 2016. “A Higher Education Return.” August 18, 2016.

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). 2021. Education and Work, Australia. Canberra, ACT: ABS.

Boulton, Chris A., Emily Hughes, Carmel Kent, Joanne R. Smith, and Hywel T. P. Williams. 2019. “Student Engagement and Wellbeing Over Time at a Higher Education Institution.” PLoS ONE 14 (11): e0225770.

Forsyth, Hannah. 2014a. “Dreaming of Higher Education.” Southerly 74 (2): 119-142.

Forsyth, Hannah. 2014b. A History of the Modern Australian University. Sydney: NewSouth Publishing.

Forsyth, Hannah. 2017. “Post-War Political Economics and the Growth of Australian University Research, c.1945-1965.” History of Education Review 46 (1): 15-32.

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 2019. The Future of Higher Education in the Age of Disruption. YouTube video, 47:32.

Rudick, C. Kyle, and Deanna P. Dannels. 2018. “ ‘Yes, and …’: Continuing the Scholarly Conversation About Immigration and Higher Education.” Communication Education 67 (1): 120-123.

Tierney, William G., and Michael Lanford. 2016. “Conceptualizing Innovation in Higher Education.” In Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research edited by Michael B. Paulsen, 1-40. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). 2016. Global Education Monitoring Report, 2016: Place: Inclusive and Sustainable Cities. Paris, France: UNESCO.

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). n.d. “Education Transforms Lives.” UNESCO. Accessed January 31, 2023.

The World Bank. 2021. “Higher Education.” The World Bank.

Referencing checklist

This brief checklist highlights some general points to pay attention to when editing your in-text citations and reference list. For the components and formatting required for specific reference types, please consult the relevant sections of this Chicago referencing guide.

In-text citations

Have you included an in-text citation each time you have paraphrased, summarised or quoted information from another source, providing information about the author and the date of your source?

Are direct quotations enclosed in quote marks with a page or paragraph number provided, in addition to the author and date for the source?

Is a comma used between author names when citing works with more than two authors?

Example: (Smith, Jones, and Lopez 2018).

Does each in-text citation have a corresponding reference list entry?

Reference list

Does the reference list only include sources that have been cited in text?

Does the reference list start on a new page or slide, after the content of your assignment, with the word ‘References’ centred at the top of the page?

Is the reference list ordered alphabetically by the first author’s last name or name of the organisation responsible for the content? If the reference has no author, does the reference use the first significant word in the title?

Do all references have a hanging indent of 1.27cm? How do I create a hanging indent?

Is the first author’s name inverted with the surname (or family name) appearing first, followed by the first and middle names (if given)? Are all subsequent author names listed in the format First name Surname?

Example: Smith, Ben, Brooke A. Burke, and Jay M. Lopez.

Are all author names listed in full, except when only author initials are provided?

Are titles displayed in headline style capitalisation, where each significant word is capitalised?

Example: Networked Privacy: How Teenagers Negotiate Context in Social Media

Do all online sources have an address to help the reader locate the item such as a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL if there is no DOI?

Are all DOIs preceded by

Are all DOIs and URLs presented as plain text (no live links and not underlined)?

Is there a full stop after the DOI or URL for each reference entry?