A localized mass of extravasated blood that is relatively or completely confined within an organ or tissue, a space, or a potential space; the blood is usually clotted, and, depending on how long it has been there, may manifest various degrees of organization and decolorization.
Synonym(s): haematoma.
An accumulation of free blood anywhere in the body, that has partially clotted to form a semi-solid mass. Haematomas may be caused by injury or may occur spontaneously as a result of a bleeding or clotting disorder. In some sites, as within the skull, enlarging haematomas may be very dangerous. Infected haematomas may form abscesses.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005A swelling containing blood. It may result from injury (e.g. black eye) or from some blood disease, such as leukaemia. Note: also spelt hematoma.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-HeinemannLocalized mass of extravasated blood relatively or completely confined within an organ or space; blood usually clots.
Synonym(s): haematoma.
Q. What is hematoma?
A. "hem" means blood, it's a very common bruise - when you fall off your bicycles, you get hit. if you don't cut yourself too in the process- blood vessels usually get ripped and blood flows to that area. this causes a red/blue color. after a couple of weeks it'll change color to green and then yellow. this is the blood cells disintegrate.
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