Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 TLE Drafting

Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 TLE Drafting

DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN TLE EPAS NCII I. II. III. OBJECTIVES At the end of discussion, students would be able to: 1.

Detailed Lesson Plan in Tle

Detailed Lesson Plan in Tle

DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN TLE “HOW TO MAKE MANGO GRAHAM CAKE” I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the student will b

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE

Republic of Philippines Department of Education Region 02 – Cagayan Valley Schools Division of the City of Ilagan ILAGA

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE I. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: 1. Identi

Detailed Lesson Plan in Tle

Detailed Lesson Plan in Tle


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Lesson Plan in TLE Grade 9 Pictorial Drawing

Objectives. At the end of the period, the students should be able to achieve the following with 90% proficiency: a.identify the different kinds of pictorial drawing b.draw the different kinds of pictorial drawing c.value the importance of the different kinds of pictorial drawing

Subject Matter and References: a. Topic: Pictorial Drawing b. References: Drafting (G. Manaois) volume 1pg.77-79 c. Materials: projector, printed visuals, real drawing instrument Procedure: Teacher’s Activity A. Preliminary Activities a. Prayer -Please all rise for the prayer. May I request one student to lead our prayer? b. Greetings -Good morning to all of you. c. Checking of attendance -Is everybody present? Alright! Thank You. d. Review -What was our past lesson all about?

Mr. Librando leads the prayer and all students stand for a prayer. Good morning, Sir John.

Our past lesson is all about Orthographic drawing which consist of different views

B. Motivation Show a video clip about a draftsman, drawing a pictorial view of an object. - What do you observe in the video?

- I observe that a man is drawing an object in pictorial view.

Would you like to know how to draw an object in pictorial view?

What do you think is our lesson for today?

- Our lesson for today is all about pictorial drawing. -Students will classify the different kinds of pictorial drawing.

C. Lesson Proper a. Activity Group the students into four groups. Give them the different kinds of pictorial drawing and they will identify each drawing. Provide them a worksheet to draw pictorial drawing b. Analysis

-pictorial sketches -oblique drawing -isometric drawing -perspective

What kind of pictorial drawing, which is to view of an object in selected point of view?

What kind of pictorial drawing uses 45 degree triangle?

What kind of pictorial drawing uses 30 degree triangle?

How about the lines of an object uses 1,2 or 3 vanishing points? c. Abstraction What are the different kinds of pictorial drawing?

-pictorial sketches -oblique drawing -isometric drawing -perspective -It is important for me to draw an object proportionally.

How important is the pictorial drawing to you?

d. Application Let the students draw a pictorial drawing(choose only one kind of pictorial drawing) Rubrics Fast Speed 25% 25pts Neatness Neat 25pts 25% Accuracy 25% Alphabet of lines 25%

Accurate 25pts Balance 25pts

Middle 20pts Middle 20pts

Slow 15pts Unclean 15pts

Middle 20pts Middle 20pts

Inaccurate 15pts Imbalance 15pts

Evaluation Part I. Identify the different views in pictorial drawing.

_______1. What kind of pictorial drawing, which is to view of an object in selected point of view? sketches

_______2. What kind of pictorial drawing uses 45 degree triangle? triangle

_______3. What kind of pictorial drawing uses 30 degree triangle? drawing

_______4. How about the lines of an object uses 1,2 or 3 vanishing points?

Part II. Draw a pictorial drawing through a given orthographic view. (20 points) V.

Research about different kinds of Geometrical construction. Write in a ½ sheet of paper. (20 points) Prepared by: Pre-service Teacher